Oracle and IBM are usually fierce competitors. The two companies said on Monday they would cooperate in the OpenJDK. OpenJDK (Java development tools and open) is open source implementation of Java's main reference tool.
Some analysts believe (myself included) that Google is going to press ahead with their own Java development using what they largely view as open source tools to keep on being Google and the shepherd of Android. Others believe that there is going to be a serious licensing deal that frees Google to develop using Java technologies as it sees fit and further lines Oracle’s pockets. Still others believe that Google will drop Harmony as well and join Oracle and IBM on the OpenJDK bandwagon, abandoning any Harmony-related code in Android.
OpenJDK was founded by Sun in 2006. In many ways, OpenJDK was Sun keeping its promise to open-source Java. In the meantime, other projects, such as Apache's Harmony sought to create its own open-source version of Java SE 6. IBM, and many other companies and open-source groups had also supported Harmony.
IBM's support for OpenJDK and backing off from Harmony leaves Google's Android swinging. Android uses a subset of Harmony, using class libraries and the Dalvik Java Virtual Machine (JVM).